Daily Archives: July 27, 2009

Carb care and solo dinner!

Phew..what a day this has been.Every 30 minutes my experiment was behaving like a kid and showing tantrums. In the end, it worked out and hopefully I have some good data for report # 2!

I have moved on to phase II and lemme share an awesome thing. I am not going crazy with my carb intake.All I was thinking when I was going through phase I was to incorporate the King, prince and pauper philosophy with my carb intake. I am enjoying good oatmeal or Hi fiber cereal for Brekkie and limiting my carb intake during lunch and trying to completely forgo it during dinner. It is working well. At this point my body is in a tuning mode and it will work the way I want it to!

You will not believe this. Firstly being close to a vending machine ( in my case the UC store) is hard. One can easily succumb to craving, but seriously I am proud of myself to resist my craving and get them out of my mind!

Like this morning I was eyeing some form of crunch but then my mind made me realize that this urge will only put you back few steps after the two weeks of hard work. Instead I picked up these babies and enjoyed them all afternoon. My Lunch was little as I had leftovers from last night and hence I needed these two snacks spread over the afternoon.


But lets get to Breakfast first!


I enjoyed my Oatmeal, just like this! This is a recycled picture from Saturday. But imagine the same bowl minus the sunlight! It gloomy and cloudy in here!

Okay no mid morning snack.

My little lunch:

Shirataki noodles with shitake mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and peppers!


with a side of Diet pepsi!



This week the husband will be giving some European counterparts training on some topic, which means his dinner is out for the next few days!

I ate this!


The chips are from fresh market


and  some Amy’s low fat tomato soup!


Oh and alongside the chips I ate some of this Tomatillo and serano pepper salsa from Fresh market and a multigrain bread with strawberry preserves!

I had a long day, I am off to do some blog reading and then zzzzzzzzzzz!