Daily Archives: July 28, 2009

Shopping, Pizza and show thoughts!

Evening Girlies!

Hope everyone had a good Tuesday, mine was relatively peaceful considering this is the last week of my rotation and every idea has to be applied when things are going to end and also all possible mistakes have to occur now!

Tomorrow is a big day.

  • My current project reaches its climax and after that is just analyzing the data. But tomorrows outcome is important
  • I’ll be discussing about my Potential PhD dissertation project with my potential advisor. I am really nervous about that.
  • And on the lighter side, I’ll be attending my friends Bachelorette party.

I fueled my morning with this cereal mix:


1/4 cup Cheerios

1/4 cup granola

1/4 cup Kashi Honey sunshine

some chocolate chips

2% milk


Some Iced coffee to wake me up!


A salad from the UC. No pic sorry!

This afternoon on returning back from the lab, I picked up these things that were on sale at TJ maxx! I actually went to browse through the dresses for a wedding on Saturday. I did like a plum colored dress but I am thinking about it!


The loot:

2 leafy plates


Red spatula

Lunch bag


I came home to satisfy my tummy with this snack in the new bowl:

  • 1/4 cup chobani
  • blueberries
  • choco chips
  • Trail mix

I then had to return back to the lab for a minute work.

Dinner was solo again:


I made some Pizza with the multigrain bread from fresh Market. This dinner hit the spot. I paired it with some leftover tomato soup, but did not end up having it. The pizza was totally yummy!


Along side some Diet coke!


Did you watch the show More to love on Fox tonight? What do you think about it?

I like the idea that they are projecting reality and trying to show that the world is not size 2. But on the other hand I did not like some contestants commenting about skinny women. I mean come on nothing in life comes easily. If people are fit they really bust their a$$! They work hard, sweat and run! I really understand it is not easy and this is coming from someone like me who is trying really hard to lose weight. I see fit girls around the blogs/fitness center/ school who are trying to improve their body to not look good on the outside but to make themselves stronger from inside and prevent ill health in the future as much as possible!

Please guys don’t take me wrongly if I got a lil crazy!

What is your definition of fitness? Is it outer oomph or the inner strength?

Hope you guys have a good night and a great day tomorrow!