Sensational Sunday

Good evening all!

Thank you very much for the supportive comments yesterday! They just reinforced my mind that what I am doing is a step in the right direction Over all today has been a fantastic day, the husband and I did yoga together and I had so much fun when he would lose his balance during the tree pose!

After yoga, I whipped up a quick breakfast for the husband and some GM for me.  Today’s blend: Spinach+ 1 banana+ Flax seeds+ almond milk.


This was followed by a trip to the mall. By the way, the anniversary week begins from today. Yep, I will be celebrating my third wedding anniversary this Thursday! I am so excited, I am a sucker for gifts. This afternoon, I went to get my anniversary dinner outfit. I loved the top the moment I laid eyes on it. I’ll show you guys the picture on Thursday, when I am all decked up for the dinner!!

So lunch was at the mall. Now when ever I go to the mall, I always eat at the Chinese place. But today I gave Chinese food the boot and instead opted for Subway-veggie  delite on a WW sub with some baked lays and a diet coke.


The husband ate some Chicken Quesedilla from Taco bell!

Come home and I snacked way too much but I split all of it with the husband, so that made me less guilty

Snack 1:

Apple + kashi crackers
Snack 2:

Blue corn chips with salsa
Snack 3:

Fruit leather ( eaten solo)



Slow cooked Cabbage and (veggie) Kielbasa soup with a spinach salad and some more Kashi crackers and diet coke ( I know I had too much soda today)

The husband loved the soup. He went not only for second but third serving!

I am sure you can see that I just discovered emoticons on Gmail and hence it is making an appearance on the post!

For the first time, I am not stressing about Monday.

I think it’s time for a book and warm tea

See you all tomorrow!!

About Priyanka

My blog is my attempt to change myself for good and incorporate some great habits by deriving inspiration from my fellow bloggers. This blog is a log of my eating habits,my everyday life, my activity profile,the motivation I want from others and also other ramblings.

Posted on May 24, 2009, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. Ooh, that soup looks yummy! Enjoy your night, and have an awesome Memorial day!

  2. Mmmm, that soup looks awesome. I would go for thirds too!!! 😀

  3. Cute emoticons 🙂

    That soup sounds fantastic! Those Lays are a new flavor? They sound yummy as well!!

  4. Mmm, I love blue corn chips! And I love Subway. Have you seen the new commercials for donatos pizza pockets? They are trying to compete with subway’s 5 dollar footlongs, but the pizza pockets are obviously SO UNHEALTHY!!!

  5. Happy Early Anniversary or Anniversary week – that is soooo cool! I can’t wait to see the top you picked out. WTG at passing on chinese ( I LOVE chinese!) and getting subway. I do find though that their veggies plus bread just don’t fill me up. At least your snacks were healthy and shared 🙂

    Dinner looks awesome! Hope you are enjoying the day off – I know I am.

  6. subway is probably one of my favorite places to eat. weird I know, but I just LOVE the small/bread. haha

    have a great memorial day 🙂

  7. I’m a bit of a subway addict, its my go to fast food!

  8. My readers are probably glad I havent figured out how to use emoticons on blogger! haha

    I am such a snacker! 😀

  9. Stef @ moretolifethanlettuce

    Ha emoticons are so much fun! I haven’t mastered all the cool ones you have though, just the boring smileys! Yum that soup sounds really good, glad the hubby liked it! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Hope you have a nice celebration week! And I just read your post from yesterday, and I think you’ve got a positive attitude about everything! Exercise does need to happen in baby steps, your body will thank you for not launching into really strenuous exercise…the worst thing would be to overdo it and get hurt and not be able to work out at all!!

  10. The Novice Berker

    I can’t wait to see your outfit on Thursday! I bet you look totally gorgeous. 🙂

    And the soup sounds sooo good. I would go back for thirds too. 😛

  11. Congratz on the upcoming anniversary – how exciting 🙂
    The soup sounds fantastic!

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